Sunday, February 3, 2013

If you cannot skip it, enjoy it

Today I had the obligation to be at a seminar that I didn't like, I didn't learn anything new and also didn't even like the person teaching it. I had two options: To complain all day about it and be negative or be as quiet as possible to let the others enjoy it and take advantage of this time to do other things I had to do online. Fortunately, I had my laptop with me and I could listen to the seminar and at the same time do my thing.

Every minute counts in our life and we cannot let it pass in boredom. We always need to find ways to give interest to whatever we do! When we do that, we don't get tired. Observe yourselves.... what do you do in a situation like this? If you tell me, patience... I would tell you that patience can be negative or positive. It is our job to turn the negative into a positive situation. What is positive? Something that makes you a better person, something that makes you overcome yourself...


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